miércoles, 4 de junio de 2008

The Road to Copenhagen: Second Stop (post from itsgettinghotinhere.org)

The second session of the UN working group on long term cooperative action has started in Bonn, Germany. The working group (AWG-LCA), created in Bali, is mandated to consider action needed to create the conditions for action on climate change–both to reduce emissions and adapt to unavoidable changes, adequate to the current understanding of the causes and science of climate change . This session will start looking at issues of investment flows, finance, and adaptation.

For the next two weeks, the UNFCCC will try to make progress on the many items listed and agreed in the Bali Action Plan –the outcome of the negotiations in Bali—, and the issues will get heated. The deadline for this new "action" is 2009, at the meeting in Copenhagen. This session in Bonn will be a forum for most substantive dialogue, ideas, proposals, and an overall (desperate) effort to go beyond programming and workshop planning into discussing the critical issues in regards to technology transfer and adaptation. enhanced conditions for a stable climate.

Members of SustainUS and CYCC are present at the meeting, and we hope to share with you occasional updates.

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